Deletion of User Data

The protection of users' personal data is an important issue and a legal obligation that must be strictly complied with.

At RedesMexico.Net, its Regional Affiliates and Special Projects we are committed to protecting the privacy of our users and providing a secure and reliable service. Therefore, we take steps to ensure the secure and complete deletion of users' personal data from our system upon request.

The process of deletion of user data in RedesMexico.Net, its Regional Affiliates and Special Projects is governed by the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties (LFPDPPP) and its Regulations, as well as any other applicable law in Mexico.

If a user wishes to have his or her data removed from RedesMexico.Net, its Regional Affiliates and Special Projects, he or she must send a written request to our privacy department. The request must include adequate and sufficient identifying information so that we can verify the user's identity and process the request effectively.

Once we receive the request, we will proceed to verify the user's identity and review the personal data to be deleted. If additional information is required to complete the request, we will contact the user to request it.

After verifying the request, we will proceed to remove the user's personal data from our systems. This will include any personal information such as name, address, e-mail address and any other identifying information. While we strive to delete all user data securely and completely, some data may not be completely deleted due to technical or legal restrictions.

In any case, we guarantee that deleted user personal data will be treated in accordance with applicable law and will not be used in any way that may compromise user privacy.

It is important to note that the deletion of user data may have consequences for the use of our services. For example, if a user deletes his or her account, he or she will no longer be able to access RedesMexico.Net, its Regional Affiliates and Special Projects services associated with that account. In addition, we may not be able to provide some services or functionality if the user's personal data has been deleted.

In summary, the deletion of user data is a critical process that must be performed with care and in compliance with applicable laws in Mexico. At RedesMexico.Net, its Regional Affiliates and Special Projects, we are committed to ensuring the protection of our users' personal data and to providing a secure and reliable service at all times.

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